Learn Lectio Divina
Has the Bible become stale? Learn the ancient practice of Lectio Divina and experience refreshment from the Living Word again.
What Lectio Divina means and its implications
History of Lectio Divina
The Four Movements
Lectio Divina Session
We've been told that we are supposed to study, memorize and analyze Scripture with the hope that we will "know God more and better".
Those tasks may have helped, sure, but if you're like thousands of others who have only read the bible for "facts" or "rules" but have found inconsistency and contradiction within the pages of scripture, what do you do?
Well, maybe you put down the bible and walk away for a bit.
But at some point there will likely be a rising desire to want to revisit the Holy Book of your tradition, and when you do our hope is that with this relevant ancient technology called Lectio Divina you will see Scripture with a completely new lens; One that is inspired by the Spirit for inner growth and collective good.
Because that's what we really want from our faith & religion anyway, right? A way to live and move and have our being that reflects the heart and nature of our Living & Loving God.
Luke Bricker
You enjoy the stories of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus
You want to reinvigorate your bible reading
You love experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit
You think the Bible should only be studied as a doctrinal text book
You don't believe God can speak to you directly